The Chairmont Group
Chairmont - Strategic Risk Consulting firm
As a dynamic strategic risk consulting firm, we are focused on providing quality and practical advice to our clients that can be implemented.
Since 1995 we have thrived on building long term client relationships and being able to respond to the ever changing world that we live in.
Each day the world gets smaller, competition intensifies and increases pressure on performance, however, our changing world opens up new opportunities and we enjoy working with our clients to help them capitalise on these new opportunities whilst minimising risk.
If you require the advice of qualified business advisors or management consultants that are abreast of the latest trends, e.g. sovereign debt crisis, risk products,or the industrial revolution occurring as the internet is bringing about structural changes to all economies, then our team can assist you to address the impacts of these and other issues on your business. Equally, if you have developed your strategy and want a team that can deliver a project on time then talk to us.
For some snap shots of assignments that we have conducted since 1995 please go to Case Studies.