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Risk and Strategy


With Board members carrying an increasing level of personal liability, risk management is now at the centre of many companies’ organisational structures, particularly those organisations involved in the banking and finance sector.  Chairmont’s work in this area is extensive and includes developing and implementing risk management frameworks, e.g. advising on Basel 1 & 2, conducting project risk management reviews and conducting risk management reviews for corporate executives and their companies’ Boards of Directors. Chairmont’s financial services risk management experience has been invaluable to many of its clients and is readily transferrable to other industries.


Also for the benefit of our clients, we have developed a “Balanced Risk Management” methodology. Our methodology is based on eight critical stages of work and begins with clearly defining and documenting a client’s risk management objectives and concludes with the design, development and implementation of comprehensive risk management systems for our client and a continuous risk management improvement programme.


In accordance with our methodology, we focus on designing, developing and implementing a “best practice risk management framework” for our clients according to their specific needs.


In 2002 Chairmont was honoured with NSW Treasury’s prestigious Managed Funds Risk Award for the work it conducted at the Public Trustee of NSW.


Call us now on (02) 9233-1111 for a free consultation.




Sound strategy is the cornerstone of a successful business. There are many books and studies on strategy, e.g. Good to Great by Jim Collins and Blue Ocean Strategy by W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne which provide great insights into developing and executing strategies. However, business strategy requires continuous assessment as the world business operates in changes as new challenges or issues emerge, e.g. how to capitalise on the internet and social media, responding to the China as the emerging largest economy and dealing with the de-leveraging as a consequence of the Global Financial Crisis. 


Chairmont has proven experience, skills and capabilities in developing strategic initiatives for clients and for assisting clients to stay on the path toward the strategic objective they are trying to achieve.  We are innovative, logical, forward thinkers and can visualise a path to success that can incorporates a mix of industry experience and educational backgrounds.


Relevant Case Studies:

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